Mothers’ Union
Branch Leader: Len Stevens
Secretary: Yvonne Cartwright
Treasurer: Gill Haslam
Number of Members: 23
The Mothers’ Union exists to support all aspects of family life both in this country and overseas. Membership is open to all baptised members of the Church — men and women, single or married, with or without children.
Our branch members are involved in many aspects of Church life at St. Paul’s, including the Holiday Clubs (for children of primary school age) and our Sunday School. Our interests range from the very young to the elderly and we are always open to new opportunities to serve the community where we are able.
In 2000 we became aware of the plight of the Kenyan Street Children and started our “Loose Change” Appeal. Since that time we have sent over £61,000 to the Utugi Children’s Centre in Kenya to support the feeding programme for these children (around 400) who are based in various outposts.
It is important to us that we do all we can to eliminate as far as possible their suffering and to support the adults whose aim it is to support and care for them. We run various boot sales and projects to raise money — all of which is sent to a special protected fund in Kenya together with any donations we receive. Every penny received goes to the feeding of the children — that is our promise and commitment.
In addition to this, our members support various initiatives run by the Diocese — for example the Mothers’ Union’s Prison work, Overseas Fund, and the Relief Fund (used to support those in need both in this country and abroad after disasters have occurred).
Our meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month.